Air Tubs For Therapy

Air tubs always provide a very exciting and relaxing experience after long days at work or even after a jogging exercise or gym. Air tubs are designed in such a manner that they provide an even therapeutic massage that always soothes and calms the body. Air tubs are a bit different fro the whirlpools in that they use air flow while the whirlpools use water flow. The air tubs have holes placed alongside the bottom which constantly forces heated air into the tub giving a great feeling achieved while in the tub.

Air tubs are also so safe that even children can use them without parents worrying about anything. This is due to the fact that they only blow warm air and no suction takes place. Suction could lead to hair that is long to be held in a suction fitting thereby pulling another person, especially children below the water.

Air tubs could also be enhanced with scented oils, sea salts or bubble bath to give out that natural soothing and relaxation of the mind and the body as well. Other advantages of air tubs include the fact that it does not require installation of an additional water pipe since it does not need water to function. It is also generally affordable as compared to the water tubs.

Air tubs have also proved to be the most sanitary system today this is due to the construction of their air manner that have a drying function which is automatic. This drying function aids in eradicating excess moisture hence removes all the organisms Caught into the pipe. Before one decides on which type of tub they want, they must consider the volume of space offered in their bathroom, the weight of the tub, the cost and the advantages and see which one will best suit their desires.

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