In virtually 90% occurrences, chlamydia in ladies fails to show any warning signs and thus, the condition is known as symptomless. But to discuss the ailment, some of the possible indications are mentioned here in the undermentioned article.
A bacterial contagion of the vaginal area, chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease (STD), which result from the microbe chlamydia trachomatis. As notified above, the illness is often characterized as “Silent Infection” considering its symptomless conditions. In accordance to medical estimation in USA, around 4 million of residents get affected from chlamydia every year. Typically the illness is spotted in youngsters; but both males and females of all age brackets can pick up this bacterial infection. The sickness is easy to treat, if identified rightly. However, if left untreated or unattended to, chlamydia has all possible chances of giving rise to severe health conditions. Here are the different symptoms which may indicate the occurrence of chlamydia in women.
What are the Main Triggers for Female Chlamydia?
As has been mentioned, chlamydia can affect people of all ages. When it affects girls who are yet to reach their puberty, vaginal discharge and odor are the common symptoms of chlamydia infection. In adult females, the ailment is accompanied with off-white vaginal discharge from the cervix that is infected. The discharge is also full of odor. As female Chlamydia is concerned, a large number of females are not at all aware of infection even after carrying the bacteria for several months of say many years. This asymptomatic condition generally made the treatment of disease quite late leading to more serious problems. When chlamydia symptoms in women do occur, it takes about 1 – 3 weeks, after the person has been infected by the bacteria which causes this infection. The symptoms of chlamydia in women and men are mild by nature. The mildness of the symptoms lets the people overlook the condition and it left unattended. So, with this type of nature of chlamydia, the people should be more cautious if they experience even a slight infection of genital tract.
A lower abdominal pain which does not seem to subside and is continuous by nature, accompanied by nausea and fever, are the early signs of chlamydia in women. The illness becomes significant when a milky-colored vaginal discharge starts coming out from vagina along with pain during urination. It is also common for women to experience pain during sexual intercourse and bleeding during menstrual periods. These symptoms should be treated well before they lead to other serious health problems like salpingitis (burning sensation in Fallopian tube) and cervicitis (infection of uterine cervix). . If chlamydia occurs to pregnant ladies, then there are more possibilities of the development of sctopic pregnancy (gestational pregnancy not in uterus but elsewhere). Sometimes, oral sex with chlamydia affected male may also lead to infection in women accompanied with symptoms like sore throat and any kind of throat infection. Another complication that may be caused due to chlamydia in women is PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease). PID may often cause infertility, chronic pain in abdomen or stomach and in few cases woman dies.
After a brief description of the symptoms of chlamydia in females, now we are providing the possible treatment methods of chlamydia below here.
Chlamydia treatment is normally simple and easy. Doctors usually prescribe regular dosage of antibiotics for curing chlamydia in males and females. Azithromycin, doxycycline, erythromycin, tetracycline , etc., are some of the medications. 1 – 2 weeks is generally the time, within which the illness gets resolved. It is also instructed by the doctors to the patients to stay away from sexual activities during the treatment. Because, chlamydia is an infection that can reoccur at any point if no care has been taken. So, it is advisable that the sexual partner of the patient is also treated, even if he is not showing any such signs and symptoms, mentioned above.
As a conclusion, it is right to say that in 90% females, chlamydia occurs without any visible symptoms. The asymptomatic nature of the condition makes it more severe. This is the reason that makes chlamydia often fatal and more complicated. So here, prevention is always better than cure. Proper hygiene and safety measures have to be taken by all men and women while having sex. It is also better to stay in a single committed relationship rather than having multiple sexual partners. STD checkups should also be conducted regularly to keep away from chlamydia.