Finding it difficult searching for Anxiety Help? With so much information out there where do you begin? Don’t forget too that you can speak to your doctor about anxiety. There are also lots of ways to help recover from anxiety.
Many professionals believe that self help is the only way to overcome anxiety disorders and that anxiety medicine is a not an effective long term solution. Anxiety disorders are pathological and the problem lies in the person’s subconscious. Treating anxiety alone with medicine does not often remove the root cause of anxiety.
What I’ve compiled is a mini Anxiety Help guide that can help improve health and wellbeing which is essential for recovery and prevention of anxiety disorders. Start by learning about your disorder so that you know what to expect. This is important because we often hide from our fears and problems. Accept that at times you will feel overwhelmed with anxiety symptoms but realize that they do not control you.
Tell close friends and family about your problem. It will help you relieve some of the built up stress and anxiety that you’ve been bottling up. Getting things out means that you’ll have a better chance at facing and dealing with you problem. You’ll also feel more confident that you can conquer your anxiety disorder. With support from family and friends you will also feel more secure and less alone.
Your emotional health and behavior can be greatly affected by how you live your daily life. Good physical health can reduce illness and boost mood. Get into a routine of exercising frequently and eat a healthy diet. Regular exercise is a great outles for stress, tension and anxiety. During exercise natural mood enhancing chemicals are released.
These good feel endorphins are released during happy and good feel moments such as laughter and sex. Try to laugh more and have more fun in the day. Find the things you enjoy in life and make an effort to do more. Don’t get trapped in a daily routine and get out of your comfort zone. Write a list of things you are going to do so you know that there are things to achieve and more exciting things to come.
As a last point, make time for yourself and engage in relaxing activities such as meditation. Give your mind and body time to rest and energize. Learn breathing exercises and practice them daily to help you unwind. Try incorporating positive visualizations and affirmations for that extra boost of good feel endorphins.