Dermatologists agree that mole removal surgery is a standard routine to extract moles that are causing damage to someone’s health or self-confidence. Protruding moles can catch on clothing or jewellery causing irritation or pain, this type of mole is usually removed by a procedure called Shaving. Shaving involves the use of a scalpel to cleanly cut the mole away from the skin. The site may then be cauterized to seal the area. One of the biggest risks to this procedure is the high chances of the mole cells remaining under the skin that can eventually begin to develop into another mole.
When it comes to mole removal surgery, cauterization is the process chosen by most people. Cauterizing involves either freezing burning off the mole while sealing the surgical site at the same time, which means there is no need for sutures. Mole cells are generally eradicated with this process of mole removal making the possibility of the mole returning minimal.
When moles are looking to be cancerous or dangerous to a persons health, a more extreme method of removal may be needed. Moles threatening to lower the health of a person can be removed by the method of excision to take not only the mole but the edge of the skin touching the mole as well, and in some cases, deeper skin tissue.
This method involves the use of sutures to hold the oval cut together after the mole and skin surrounding the mole have been taken out. Most types of mole removal surgery are inoffensive and efficient. A company with a great reputation for carrying out this procedure are at the mole removal surgery clinic. Mole removal surgery usually involves the use of local anesthetic to numb the area.
Once the mole is extracted, the area will heal within a week or so and can be managed with basic painkiller tablets. Depending where the mole to be removed is located, it is advisable to wear loose fitting clothing to avoid the danger of the clothing rubbing on the site.
It is also vitally important to ensure the area remains clean after the surgery is complete to avoid the chances of obtaining an infection. When moles appear to grow, change color or shape, come to be itchy or start to bleed, consult a specialist immediately for the most suitable treatment.