Treating Yeast Infections – Candidiasis Condition Truth Sheet

Perhaps millions of women attempt to diagnose their possible yeast infection and then treat the condition on their own. In the majority of cases, you might have actually been dealing with a vaginal yeast infection and your treatment method was successful. It may have seemed like the right choice at the time, but this is a dangerous habit you should not repeat. There are many reasons it’s possible to make a misdiagnosis. You aren’t familiar with the various other conditions that have similar symptoms. If you insist on doing this, you are taking the chance of putting your body at risk. The symptoms of similar infections and those of yeast infections are pretty general and commonplace. I hope this makes it clear why it’s important to visit your clinic or health care provider and get a correct diagnosis and treatment.

The best solution is to visit your doctor. This will give you the peace of mind of knowing that the treatment the doctor prescribes is correct for the situation he or she diagnosed. The symptoms may seem the same as you previously experienced, but there is no way of being 100% certain – you are just making an educated guess. There are three different conditions that are called “vaginitis” and you could have one, two, or a combination of all three. You need to refrain from treating your infection incorrectly and perhaps causing more serious symptoms. So the results will be a trip to the doctor, which you thought you could avoid.

One class of serious drugs is the polyene anti-micotics. They bind to the ergosterol in the fungal cell membrane, which leads to the death of the cells. Two medications that are polyene antibiotics are Amphotericin B and Nystatin. It’s true, Amphotericin B can be used to treat Oral Thrush, but it is also very effective when used intravenously to treat serious, life-threatening systemic fungal infections. It should be obvious that these chronic and systemic yeast infections are very serious and can put your health in peril. Nystatin is relatively safe to use orally and topically due to its low absorption through the skin and mucous membranes. The mode of attack on the yeast cell is similar to the azole class of medications in that the cell wall is compromised thus causing yeast cell death.

In addition to proper treatment for yeast infection, there are preventative measures that should be followed, especially if there has already been an infection. Make sure that anything that was put in the mouth of your child when he or she had oral thrush is washed and sterilized properly. Your nipples and breast area are susceptible to developing a yeast infection if you are breastfeeding a baby with oral thrush. Check this area carefully each day. A good idea is to speak to your baby’s pediatrician or your doctor if you an infant with oral thrush and you are nursing. They will know exactly what you should do.

Although many common yeast infections have very simple treatment methods, their are other, life threatening forms of yeast infections that can be very complicated to get rid of. These more serious cases are generally found in patients with compromised immune systems, such as cancer victims or those who are HIV positive. People who have had an organ transplant are especially at risk because, in order to avoid the rejection of their new organ, they have to be put on a course of drugs that suppress their immune system. Radiation therapy is very important, but it causes the immune system to be depressed. Therefore, someone who has had to take a prolonged treatment with radiation is a prime candidate for a severe yeast infection.

Bacterial Vaginosis Freedom Book

All of these steps will be able to aid you not only to remove candida albicans but also to remove other bacterial infections and particularly bacterial vaginosis.

If you’re among those women that experience bacterial vaginosis and you simply searching for a proven treatment for this specific situation then take a look at this page about Elena Peterson and find out about a comprehensive treatment plan that offers proper nutrition plan along with proven strategies to get rid of bacterial vaginosis naturally and safely.

You will also find more about tips to eliminate bacterial vaginosis here.

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